Caregiver Facilitated Behavior Therapy (CFBT) is a new parent training and treatment program developed by Family First. With CFBT, parents are taught to use individualized intervention practices with their child through an integrated approach that includes instructor guided coursework in tandem with hands-on training, modeling, and instruction. Courses are delivered via structured online training modules that are curated and moderated by the Behavior Therapist (Clinical Instructor) to ensure the highest level of individualization and suitability to programming objectives, while allowing parents the freedom of a self-paced learning platform. All CFBT programs are either supervised or administered by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
CFBT engages caregivers at every phase of the programming life cycle through collaboration with their therapist to evaluate specific child and family needs, and based on these, develop goals that will form the basis of a comprehensive treatment program.
Formal parent training begins during the early phases of the intake process. Following eligibility verification and completion of the Family Information Form, parents are enrolled in a 3 to 4 week survey course that introduces caregivers to the themes and concepts of Applied Behavior Analysis, ASDs, and parent-implemented intervention that will be developed over the course of programming.
Upon completion, programming moves into the assessment phase, a highly collaborative process between caregivers and the Clinical Instructor, which purposes to develop a set of targeted, individualized goals and lessons that will guide treatment throughout the first six months of implementation. The companion course to the assessment phase expands on the concepts covered in the survey course, while introducing new elements including developmental age norms and assessment tools for determining which domains and skill areas should be targeted.
Once the formal assessment is complete and authorization for services is obtained, both the treatment program and training curriculum transition from the general content covered during the initial phases, to an increasingly individualized and targeted instruction model. During this phase, the Clinical Instructor selects specific training modules and content areas that support the treatment plan goals and objectives identified during the previous assessment phase. These learning objectives will change based on areas of need as identified by the Clinical Instructor.
Caregiver education and treatment for the child continue in this manner, with treatment plan updates occurring at 6-month intervals, until parents achieve proficiency in identifying and developing interventions for targeted skill areas, as well as instructing, maintaining and generalizing mastered skills. The child and caregivers graduate from the program after a period of monitored, independent treatment during which successful implementation of instruction has been demonstrated. From intake to graduation, programs typically last 24-30 months.
Initial and ongoing participation in the CFBT program is contingent on the successful completion of coursework at each phase of treatment, as well as demonstrating competency in utilizing ABA principles, techniques and strategies under the Clinical Instructor’s supervision, and meeting goals established at the outset of each update period. Families will also be expected to adhere to the Policies and Procedures outlined in Family First’s parent contract.
Parents should anticipate and be capable of providing 5 to 6 hours per week of engagement with the coursework, and another 5 to 6 hours per week focused on treatment objectives and recommendations. Oftentimes, coursework and treatment objectives will overlap, as these program components are designed to be integrative. Overall, between class instruction and applying parent-implemented treatments through purposeful interactions with their child, caregivers can expect to commit at least 10 hours per week to the program, outside of scheduled therapy appointments.
The frequency and duration of face to face therapy sessions will be determined by the Clinical Instructor based on an evaluation parent and child needs, however, sessions typically occur once per week, and last from 1 to 2 hours.
To participate, you will need internet access (preferably high speed) and an internet connected device (computer, tablet, phone) with a webcam and speakers. In addition to training videos and other multimedia course content, some training may be provided via live video conferencing (i.e. telehealth).
If you would like to participate in the CFBT program, please complete the online form linked below. This is a secure form, and your responses will be kept confidential. Once we have received your completed form, we will contact you to gather any additional information and discuss the next steps in beginning the program.
We strive to include all those who are interested in the CFBT program, however some circumstances may prohibit effective implementation, such as scheduling and availability limitations, and certain behavior typographies. In those circumstances, we will discuss other options that are available to you.